Well, someone was going to ask eventually....


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
So it may as well be me! (The resident trouble starter.....)

The Euro tour kicks off in November.

Obviously, the band is using a new bass player (not yet announced I assume) for the tour.

How about a local tour kick-off warm up gig in the Chicago-land area?
The Moonspell tour in Chicago is rumored to have URN opening up for it. You set us up for the gig, and we'll play it.

We didn't try for the local opener spot on this tour, because we were in negotiations for months to be part of this tour officially. After things didn't... work out, it was too late to grab the local opener spot. It all worked out for the best, as if we were on this tour, we wouldn't be going to Europe on our own tour at this time, and to be honest, I'd rather tour Europe.
Hey Paul,
Cool, I didn't know you guys were working on possibly doing this tour.
I think this would have been a perfect fit for ND.
You guys would have definitely won over many new fans who may not have heard you before.

I have never heard of URN (Runs over to www.metal-archives.com)
I'd have no problem with doing a "warm up show" for the tour but nothing really worked out for that for us, no so matter, we're just rehearsing alot and we'll be plenty ready for the tour. Our bassist is having no problems fitting in and playing the material anyhow.

We can't get into specifics for exactly why things didn't work out with us being on any of the Moonspell/Katatonia dates but just trust me when I say that it all goes back to what I've spoken about alot lately in regards to how the business really works and how difficult it can be just to get those opportunities. Yes, I too believe ND would've fit perfectly on the bill, but other people in the business don't see it that way, or really care to be honest with you. Tours are not often put together or dictated by what the fans think is a logical "fit" or anything, it's about business and money and what makes most sense in those regards. If any of our fans and friends wished that we were a part of that tour, then by all means, speak up and let people know that.

And yes, it would've hindered being able to take this European tour for us anyhow, and I too would much rather go to Europe. Nothing against the U.S. fans, but there'll be other opportunities for us to play here again.

I'll probably be at the show regardless, supporting our friends in Moonspell and Daylight Dies and hanging out with any of y'all who show up. See you there!
I know what you guys are saying.
There are so many gigs where you look at the local openers and are like, "WTF? - Band A, B or C would have been a better fit!"
Jasonic said:
I know what you guys are saying.
There are so many gigs where you look at the local openers and are like, "WTF? - Band A, B or C would have been a better fit!"
Finally, someone said it!
It's all business and money, man. If you guys knew how alot of shit really worked in this biz, trust me you'd probably look at alot of things very differently....

....but I'll leave it be for Paul to tell all in his book someday, I'm keeping my mouth shut now. LOL
I am somewhat familiar with the business side of things.
I promoted punk rock shows in college, and have worked with promoters, booking agents, contracts, riders, etc.

Sometimes though, a promoter gets suggestions on what bands would be a good fit for the gig.

For example, I took over promoting for a friend a gig by a band called N.I.L.8 (who some of you Chicago folks might know). Kind of a punky-funky-metal band if you will. I needed openers. A friend who was familiar with them suggested that I book this Wisconsin band called Citizen King. I was like, "who"? Needless to say, I called them and they were ready and willing.

To my surprise, about 500 people showed up to the gig. This band had a HUGE college following. The show was a success. Later that year, Citizen King got signed to a major and became a one-hit-wonder with the song, "Better Days"

The morale of the story is that sometimes the local promoters are clueless as to who would be a good fit to support the headliners.

Sometimes, the club needs a kick in the pants and be informed as to who would be a good fit for the gig......
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
....but I'll leave it be for Paul to tell all in his book someday, I'm keeping my mouth shut now. LOL
Nah, that's just because you want us to buy the book when it gets released. That smells like business and money. :p
(Everyone knows I'm just kidding, right? Right. :saint: )
Jasonic said:
Well, I took the gig over from another promoter who was a friend of mine.
I put my own band at the time on the bill, and paid ourselves $100!!
Yeah yeah, excuses... :p
$100?! Money-grubber! :lol: Damn those politics. Damn them, I tell you! Hehe.
When does the tour kick off?
I wonder if you guys would be interested in playing out here for a few gigs, Maybe a mini tour of 3 or 4 dates? I could help out if interested. It's a long drive, but not bad if you have gigs in between driving and places to crash every night.
dan of bereavement said:
When does the tour kick off?
I wonder if you guys would be interested in playing out here for a few gigs, Maybe a mini tour of 3 or 4 dates? I could help out if interested. It's a long drive, but not bad if you have gigs in between driving and places to crash every night.

Hey!! LOCAL GIGS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!