well, i'm not a "convert".. i had both and used both, still would if mine hadn't been stolen, and will again if i can find a decent set. i'm looking for some NS-10's, not the later NS-10M's, so if anyone has a line on some let me know.
most people don't like the sound of ns-10's because they are shy in the low end, they have a sharp boost in response around 1.5k, and also there is not the usual drop in response between 2k and 2.5k from the crossover point as in many nearfeilds. by most people i mean home and hobby recordists who unknowingly pick up an unmodified set for their home rigs because they heard "it's what the pros use", or they saw it in every pic of pro studios they have ever seen. pro studios though, have their ns-10's modified, or do it themselves... the modification fills out the lows a bit and mostly eliminates the peak at 1.5k, leaving a much flatter response that doesn't tire the ears like the unmodified ones will do after a time. here's a link to a schematic of the common
ns-10 mod.