
Hey people! Cool to meet you. My name's Deanna and I'm a bit freaky but otherwise normal. So I tell myself.

Favorite bands (since that seems to be the way it's done):

Los Natas
Oceans of Sadness
Witchfinder General
Black Sabbath
T Rex
Zakk Wylde

Other things of interest to me at least: friends, drawing, gary coleman, the death of nu-metal, my website

And I yes, still like some glam metal, I have some Depeche Mode, I am guilty as hell. And damned for all eternity into the Wal-Mart Greeter Hell.
Welcome to UM!! :wave:

I'm sure that everyone will agree with me when I say that I'm a bit normal but otherwise freaky. :p

Enjoy the forums. :)
Originally posted by Russell
You'll soon learn that Rusty likes to understate things Stoner Rock Chick :)
You'll soon learn that Russell likes to be a cheeky bastard at times, Stoner Rock Chick, :)

But I'm sure that everyone will agree with me when I say that so do I. :D
:err: Party attire?? Heading out?? Pleaase don't swear on the forums. :D

Besides, Russell is in South Africa at the moment, so he's even further "ahead". :p