so,like others before me i also say that we're "killing". the music industry by downloding music from the the internet;we're "killing " the band.the only different thing in all this is that i don't agree with what i'm saying and others sustaining.why don't you try comming to a contry where the allounce that the you are given from the state ,u being a student ,is only 5 euro while in the western contries is about 200 euro.can u do smth with that amount?i doubt that...oh,and smth else:here u can find the original cds only in the capital,that's if they are original.the No of unemployed people is that big that having money to buy a cd is a thought from wich most of us are sorry if we download music but i prefer having music this way than not having it at all.maybe things are different in your the bands are playing for free to promote an album,actualy they almost all the time play for free. sorry again ,but it's how most of us feal! sorry if we download music but i prefer having music this way than not having it at all.maybe things are different in your the bands are playing for free to promote an album,actualy they almost all the time play for free. sorry again ,but it's how most of us feal!