Wes does it again.........in Amsterdam this time

May 26, 2004
Wes you fucking diamond, thanks to you Blood Retch contacted Rob Van Holland in Amsterdam the result........Blood Retch will be featured as a band of the week in Amsterdam..........where will it end i have to ask.
We are starting the recording of the all new 6 or 7 track E.P. Pain is MY Weakness on Sunday 18th July......so the E.P. should be ready 2 - 3 weeks from that date. The album will be started in December & will be recorded by a studio engineer that did one of the Cradle of Filth albums......so that should be an ass kicker of a cd.
Wes & Vanessa will get a fucking HUGE mention on the thank you list along with a whole string of amazing people we have met on our little journey out of the South Wales Valleys.
Thanks again
Lee, Laura & the Retchlings