
I have said this many times before and I will say many more times. Everybody thinks WBC is so horrible and hateful and are nothing like true Christians. Have you read the bible? Well let be break it to you, WBC follows the bible word for word. If you don't believe me you should really read the bible (old testament preferred). There is a lot of horrible things in that book, instructions on how to punish people who sin, have sex before marriage, adulterers, homosexuals and children who are disobedient, which is an obligation to all Christians. Unfortunately, all the above is grounds for death penalty with no exceptions. Something tells me WBC has actually killed a couple (or a lot)) of people in the name of "God", and they would be following the good book like all Christians should.

I would say that there is a lot of terrible things in the bible, but much like anything that we read, or even in interviews or discussions, context is very important. Not everything that was terrible in the Bible was done by people who followed God and those that did had consequences, which I think is fair.

The biggest thing to know is the great change that occurred when Jesus came and a lot of the rituals and laws that were given to Israel (the chosen people at that time...there's so much that is need to clarify this...which I will if you want...) that are no longer necessary because Jesus came and allowed all to be the chosen people. He fulfilled the covenant that God made with Israel and a lot (but not all) of the commandments and laws are no longer necessary to follow. The whole not eating shrimp or pork thing comes to mind. That is always brought up but lacks an understanding of the context of what is being said.

But like I said. The bible clearly states that there are consequences for our actions and we are to be held accountable to them. I will even admit, there are some hard passages to read, even for me a devout follower of Christ.
As bad as the Westboro Baptist Church is they don't (yet) use their religion as one of the basis for suicide bombing and terrorist acts, and yet somehow they seem just as repulsive.
Damn, these people are fucking serious aren't they? What a pathetic group of sheep.
I would say that there is a lot of terrible things in the bible, but much like anything that we read, or even in interviews or discussions, context is very important. Not everything that was terrible in the Bible was done by people who followed God and those that did had consequences, which I think is fair.

The biggest thing to know is the great change that occurred when Jesus came and a lot of the rituals and laws that were given to Israel (the chosen people at that time...there's so much that is need to clarify this...which I will if you want...) that are no longer necessary because Jesus came and allowed all to be the chosen people. He fulfilled the covenant that God made with Israel and a lot (but not all) of the commandments and laws are no longer necessary to follow. The whole not eating shrimp or pork thing comes to mind. That is always brought up but lacks an understanding of the context of what is being said.

But like I said. The bible clearly states that there are consequences for our actions and we are to be held accountable to them. I will even admit, there are some hard passages to read, even for me a devout follower of Christ.

I know what you are talking about. Most of the "story" is left up for interpretation withing the context, but not the more "instructional" part of it. I am more referring to the book of Deuteronomy and Leviticus which has passages along the lines of, sinners who don't seek judgement before god, homosexuals, disobedient children, individuals who are not virgins on their wedding day, adulterers, people who work on sabbath day, people with no faith or opposing faith to god are all crimes against god and the church and should be punished by death and that all Christians knowing someone has broken the law of god must come forth and tell the community so a punishment can be carried out. Among others, such as you must love god more than your own family and yourself, and if you do not, he will "damn" you. From my knowledge from the old testament, those laws of god were never revoked and are still in place. The laws are written so directly (and it really the only time they are so direct) that their is very little interpretation. When the book flat out says, if you or someone you know does this, then you must do this now and you will be punished with [insert punishment] if you do not, there really isn't any room for contextual interpretation, when it is step by step instructions. If that is the case, WBC is coming together and trying to "expose" the sins and godless actives of certain people they have deemed to have gone against god.

As much as I hate to say it, their biggest cause is gays. In the bible is says being gay is an abomination and it punishable by death, so WBC is out making sure people know that being gay or supporting the homosexual community or not even actively trying to stop it is against god and that you are going to hell. Now their logic as to why they protest at soliders' funerals who die in combat is a bit looney, mostly because the soldiers who fight for the freedom for gays to be gay also fight for the freedom for WBC to protest. I don't think they care because to my understanding if they aren't actively trying to stop acts against god, then they are against god to, so I highly doubt they care about "freedoms".