minxnim meow Aug 2, 2002 16,889 5 38 Visit site Apr 30, 2004 #1 http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/04/30/australia.koalas.reut/index.html
Ominous Luminous Hostile 17 Feb 6, 2002 535 0 16 "Hailing from the decadent leftist shit hole calle Apr 30, 2004 #2 Maybe we should go to third world countries and kill everyone who is starving there. Better yet, lets kill all of the homeless people across the world. I mean if it's going to starve to death anyway... Sometimes humans astound me with their cruelty.
Maybe we should go to third world countries and kill everyone who is starving there. Better yet, lets kill all of the homeless people across the world. I mean if it's going to starve to death anyway... Sometimes humans astound me with their cruelty.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Apr 30, 2004 #3 maybe they could teach the koalas cannibalism, and they could hunt down the weaker ones and dine, making the species stronger.
maybe they could teach the koalas cannibalism, and they could hunt down the weaker ones and dine, making the species stronger.
Ominous Luminous Hostile 17 Feb 6, 2002 535 0 16 "Hailing from the decadent leftist shit hole calle Apr 30, 2004 #4 That would be a weird switch from being a vegetarian to a cannibal.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Apr 30, 2004 #5 well, haunch of koala might be very tasty.
Ominous Luminous Hostile 17 Feb 6, 2002 535 0 16 "Hailing from the decadent leftist shit hole calle Apr 30, 2004 #6 I hear humans taste like spam!
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En www.myspace.com Apr 30, 2004 #7 now that warm weather is near, it is time to begin thinking of outdoor barbequeing. perhaps we could alleviate australia of their koala problem...
now that warm weather is near, it is time to begin thinking of outdoor barbequeing. perhaps we could alleviate australia of their koala problem...
FrostGiant Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper Apr 12, 2002 4,533 6 38 48 Bay Area, WI nathanholly.com Apr 30, 2004 #8 By killing 20,000 of em they probably will end up saving thousands more from starvation.
avi W3RK3R Aug 21, 2002 10,213 3 38 Oly, WA www.itsatrap.com Apr 30, 2004 #9 "hey mate! throw another koalie on the barbie! and pass me another fosters!"
Firedwarf sock puppet Oct 14, 2002 3,349 5 38 Michigan Visit site Apr 30, 2004 #10 wtf give them to me give them to me.
Ominous Luminous Hostile 17 Feb 6, 2002 535 0 16 "Hailing from the decadent leftist shit hole calle Apr 30, 2004 #11 Speaking of Marsupials (sp?) my friend just adopted a Sugar Glider. It's adorable!
AndICried Pretentious asshole Jan 26, 2003 1,211 1 38 london/oxford, old England www.myspace.com Apr 30, 2004 #12 by relocation do they meaning dumping thousands of koalas in the middle of the desert/ocean, without sources of food?
by relocation do they meaning dumping thousands of koalas in the middle of the desert/ocean, without sources of food?
FrostGiant Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper Apr 12, 2002 4,533 6 38 48 Bay Area, WI nathanholly.com Apr 30, 2004 #13 I think they want to relocate em all to England.
AndICried Pretentious asshole Jan 26, 2003 1,211 1 38 london/oxford, old England www.myspace.com Apr 30, 2004 #14 ohnos!