What a day at work.......


Oct 1, 2001
The Devils armpit
First of all i get into work at 9 the most killingest hangover in the face of the planet had only stopped drinking at 5 soberd up in the sports bar quick change of cloths and then attempt the days work at the cinema pretty harsh but im metal so i can do it...

This is where my day starts to suck....

I go to count the safe and make up floats for the staff and hey guess what..

All the money from the safe has been stolen!!

Three days takings 18 grand to be precise (this is where i shit myself) i search all over the place (yeah i know, hoping that someones left 18 grand around the cinema!) i go to check the security camera the tapes been taken out (This is where i shit myself again) fortunately i wasnt on my own and my colleauge decied paul decided that we should phone the general manager and tell him.He comes in and the police are informed they check the alarms and find out that a manager who was on holiday had come in at 12 30 in the night (He has currently gone awol and nobody has heard from him so make your own minds up) so i spend an hour giving interviews to the police

This is where my day starts to suck more.....

We then have to cancel all the first showings of all the films so wa hey i get to spend an hour listening to irate parents tellimg me how much there kids wanna see Harry f ing potter ( sorry mg but thats how i felt) and lord of the sodding rings wa hey im having a geat time killer hangover needing to puke

Anyway afterwards my boss let me go home and i wentstraght to bed and ive justgot up thought id share my day.....
That sucks mate!!!!
hey - god dont apologise ! its just my fave film - im not surprised - u didnt wanna hear about it!!!!!

some people bloody suck! they seem to love causing hastle for others???

well he may have thought that he was gonna get away with it- but i dont think he will somehow!

well - if it started off the year bad- think positive - it can only go up from here!!

hope u recover from ur hang over
and at least if u had abad hang over, sounds like u had a good night with drink - which has gotta be great!!!!

(and hope u can rediscover ur love for potter ! lol) Mg xx
You wanna know the worst thing?

this guys been here 6 weeks and all the time hes been getting a bad reputation and all this time ive been sticking up for him and saying hes allright give him a chance

Feel like a fool.....

Hey mg you wanna know something i still havent seen harry potter im def gonna see it before it goes but at the mo lord of the rings is floating my boat that is untill rock star comes out