Do you remember your first day at school?

It was pretty sad actually. My parents decided I should go to a mixed sex school in the next town, every body I knew from junior school went to the single sex schools in Hitchin. Little old me had to go alone by bus to the big new school, I really did cry every morning for a week. Fortunately I did make friends and ended up having a great time from year four onwards, did very badly in my exams though, so had too good a time.
Every thing is Rosey in Metalmans garden at the moment, except for the roses in the front garden which are just about finished :lol: :lol:
Junior school.... ickleford primary hated by all the teachers cause i was a right little bastard always playing practicle jokes like flour on the top of the door, undoing the ink pen lids so ink went everywhere....ha ha ha they were the days... got the cane twice i might add ooeeeerrrr thanks missus... smashed head open on climbing frame and nearly died last week, there scarrred the living daylights out of them..don't think they had seen so much blood before, infact i've never seen so much blood since! very scary few moments that was. Stupid bloody place to put a climbing frame though!!!

Senior school... easy as pie went there the first day, got into a fight with a third year who thought i would be as soft as my brother ( i think he was trying to scare me by threating to flush me head down the bog but i just gave him what for) got the other side of the coin as it were.. got lines for talking in the history class first day.
Second day broke window with football got away with it by blaming other first year pupils..ha ha ha ... made first crumble in cookery class (and i'm still a whizz at making those yummy) upset the science teacher by asking to many questions and got lines for said thing.... what a wimp he was.. he quit about three months after our year started i wonder why!!!
Had the time of me life really...didn't pass most of my exams as couldn't be bothered with it all by then but still ended up fairly intelligent ( i think) thanks to a few hardy trusting soles like yourself best of luck with it hope you don't come across many like me....i'm the living embodiment of hell according to one of my ex teachers remarks on the final report....!! ha ha ha!!
Originally posted by Peter Day

got the cane twice i might add ooeeeerrrr thanks missus... ....

Damn - i taught in the wrong decade lolol

thanks to a few hardy trusting soles like yourself best of luck with it hope you don't come across many like me....

well its all in the name ....

MAD!!!!!! lolol

and im afraid to say ive come across many who are far worse.. such is the tapestry of life !!!!!! cheers tho mate !!!!!