What a game!

i found it funny that pubs had put out signs saying "come in and watch west ham win the fa cup!"...west ham fans only have pubs around the country to blame for a nationwide jinx :p
I was just about to post a topic about this, thought you may have watched it Steve.

All the neutrals have said it was a really enjoyable cup final. Me? I was on the edge of my seat for most of the match, nearly having multiple heart attacks. Fantastic Gerrard goals and a good celebration when Reina saved that last penalty!
I have to be honest here...I was at work, and everything seemed to be pretty quiet in the afternoon. I was talking to an elderly lady customer, and mentioned this. And yes...it was her who told me the FA Cup Final was on!!
Cracking game but tense, even as a neutral. Penalties is a harsh way to decide any match but I'm glad it went the distance.

Phenomenal second goal from Gerrard too, as if his first wasn't good enough:)

Let's hope he's in the same form during the World Cup. there's a few teams in the tournament that I want us to tear apart should we meet them.....:heh:
Haha my Dad is the BIGGEST West Ham fan out there; he used to be a policeman many years ago, and was often part of his beat to "keep the peace" at games in the stadium's area. This translated to "chatting to players on the west ham bench." He was screaming at the TV all afternoon before proclaiming "Nooooo The Hammers are shite at penalties." He was in tears at the end of it :D

Can't say I share his intrest in football, but I did watch it with him for a laugh :D
Superb game.. can't remember if i sent you (Steve) yet another celebratory text at the end... Liverpool def drive me to drink especially when we give teams a head start... (not good) but i guess it makes the outcome that more sweet :p

There's a few of my views about LFC on my myspace page for anyone that may be interested.. www.myspace.com/sean_intense