what about geece?


the greek viking
Oct 9, 2006
U.SA-Tampa F.L
have you seen lives in greece well if you haven't you must.why no one is coming on greece anymore?i asure you that it will be awesome.AA are famous here in greece i went to buy With odin on our side and it was sold out! i went to three shops in order to buy it!please answer me why not in greece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well greece in not only gyros! well we might don't have any famous bands but we are reall hardhord fans!just come to greece to see it!!:headbang: greece kick asses.don't make greek fans go to germany !!! we want AA Here!!!
All the Greek fans are in Sweden anyhow, so what good would that do? (Pagan, you think we should be a little nicer to the poor dude?)