What about Michael?


New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2007
I've read at so many places that he isn't in the band anymore. Sorry for such a shitpost in case it isn't true..
Michael is now in Engel (http://www.engelpropaganda.com/) and some other projects

Here's the news message on the Evergrey site:


Mike leaves Evergrey

25 July, 2006 by MetalAges

Michael Håkansson has decided to part ways with Evergrey. The new bass player will be the band's long-time friend Fredrik Larsson.

Michael has left the following message for all the Evergrey fans:

"Dear friends and fans of Evergrey.

After a long time of consideration and many, many hours of thinking I now, with sadness, announce my departure from the band.

I have been a part of the band for seven years and during that time I have experienced so much and I have seen more than I ever thought I would. But now it is time for me to say goodbye.

My reason for doing this is that I feel a strong urge to do something different in music. This is the one and only reason and it's 100% my own decision.

I want to thank the boys for all the good times we have had together thoughout the years. I wish them the best of all success, something they truly deserve and without doubt will achieve.

Take care everyone /Mikey"
You must be a really big fan... :p Ive heard rumors that Micke is going to tour usa with satyricon.
Thanks guys for answering my question! So who is this guy Fredrik Larsson? Previous bands? Equipment? General info?
the link that was posted with mike's new band isn't a band link.. what's the real link? I wanna hear what kinda "new music" that he parted with evergrey for.