What albums are in your rotation right now???


Got Shred??
Feb 6, 2002
Canton, Georgia
Just seeing how big the spectrum is here...

Right now I have been listening to the obvious Machine Men's new awesome album Circus of Fools. Also listening to alot of different stuff as well. Govan Guthrie - Erotic Cakes, Micheal Schenker Group (alot of different), Vinnie Moore - various, Crimson Glory- various, Enchant - alot of different albums, mostly BoE & Blueprint, Daughtry (yeah I know, its a killer album though),Symphony X - TDWoT, Zero Hour, Masterplan,Timeline, Eyefear, and alot more. Mixing it up a little...

I am rotating Mob Rules Ethnolution A.D. and Among The Gods... Both are kicking my everliving ass!!

Dragonland - The Battle For The Ivory Plains
Manticora - The Black Circus Part I - Letters

I purchased a lot CDs lately but these are the ones that are getting all my attention right now.

Oh yeah and I've been listening to Timeline! Thanks Eric... very cool!

and I've been listening to Genesis Live -Seconds Out a bit lately...great live album from the 70s
I can't seem to stop listening to:

Saxon - The Inner Sanctum Promo (kicks serious ass)
Halford - Crucible (the 2006 remixed and remastered version is absolutely crushing!)
Machine Men - Circus Of Fools Promo (my favorite from MM)
Kayser - Kaiserhof (I haven't stopped listening to this disc since I bought it in 2005)
Lefay - Symphony Of The Damned (1999 version) :rock:
Mostly the Enchant collection right now! Also digging the new Redemption promo, haven't checked out Thought Chamber since I *just* got that. I can't wait - HUGE fan of Ted's vox! ALso run through the Eyefear (AWESOME) a few times and some Mob Rules. I'm really excited about the entire lineup! I don't think I've EVER said that about any festival. Before all this started, I was really digging Wolverine, enjoying Firewind and Communic, and still have to check out the new PoS some more. Too much music, not enough time! ;)

Other than that, I've been mostly listening to the new Odin's Court material, learning it, and recording it! Honestly, I'm REALLY excited about our new stuff! Definitely our most adventureous material to date - but still melodic and song-oriented. I think people will really like what they hear too! And anybody that really knows me, knows I mean that and not just being a spin doctor.
I was listening to some friggan old ass Symphorce (Truth to Promises). I've also been checking out Mob Rules as well as Rage. Looking forward to hearing Redemption's new one.
Hey BARF folks, thought I'd jump in on the current playlist stuff, here's what's been spinnin' of late, at least what my 20 disc travel holder is carrying right now, in alpha beta even...

Some newer stuff:
Adagio - Dominate
Allen, Russell & Lande, Jorn - Battle
Beyond Twilight - Section X
Circus Maximus - 1st Chapter
Dream Theater - Score
Epica - The Phantom Agony
Opeth - Damnation
ProgPowerUSA7 - Live CD
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Riverside - Second Life Syndrome
Seges Even - The Art of Navigating by the Stars
Stream of Passion - Embrace the Storm
Stride - Imagine
Time Requiem - Optical Illusion
Vision Divine - Stream of Consciousness

And some older stuff:
Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol
Discipline - Unfolding Like a Staircase
Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry
Ozric Tentacles - Spiraling through Hyperspace
Rush - Hemispheres
Symphony X - V(The New Mythology)

Hey BARF folks, thought I'd jump in on the current playlist stuff, here's what's been spinnin' of late, at least what my 20 disc travel holder is carrying right now, in alpha beta even...

Some newer stuff:
Adagio - Dominate
Allen, Russell & Lande, Jorn - Battle
Beyond Twilight - Section X
Circus Maximus - 1st Chapter
Dream Theater - Score
Epica - The Phantom Agony
Opeth - Damnation
ProgPowerUSA7 - Live CD
Redemption - The Fullness of Time
Riverside - Second Life Syndrome
Seges Even - The Art of Navigating by the Stars
Stream of Passion - Embrace the Storm
Stride - Imagine
Time Requiem - Optical Illusion
Vision Divine - Stream of Consciousness

And some older stuff:
Black Sabbath - Eternal Idol
Discipline - Unfolding Like a Staircase
Fates Warning - Perfect Symmetry
Ozric Tentacles - Spiraling through Hyperspace
Rush - Hemispheres
Symphony X - V(The New Mythology)


Wow! Awesome list! You have some my top 10 of all time in there!
Wow! Awesome list! You have some my top 10 of all time in there!

Thanks! I try to keep a mix of great new music and classic greats that inspired me in the first place, several of which are in my all time top as well. I saw your top 10 list on your myspace site, and being a guitar player as well, we definitely share some similar tastes. You have a few things in there that are on my top list that aren't in my player currently, such as the additional Rush, Queensryche, Symphony X, Evergrey, Dream Theater titles for example. I find it hard to keep it to ten though. So, while I'm at it, I'll throw in some more classics like Dio era Black Sabbath, early Iron Maiden, early Yngwie Malmsteen, classic Yes, Garbiel era Genesis, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Queen and a couple of other newer artist favorites like Pagan's Mind (Enigmatic Calling has been in my player since it came out, I forgot to mention it in the original post) and all of Arjen Lucassen's Ayreon stuff in there as well. And that doesn't include other off topic genres like Classical and Electronic, so I best leave it there before this get's too out of hand:rock:
Yeah Valerian, you and I very much have the same sense of music...Even with the list I posted I didn't add bands that I play more than anything, I looked on my Itunes playlist and Kamelot, Circus Maximus, Masterplan, Symphony X, Evergrey,Threshold,Soilwork are actually my most played..

I also have an abundance of new bands that I listen too..Evergrace, Triosphere,Cloudscape,Planet Alliance, Riverside, Twilight Guardians, Twilighting and alot more...

I also have a strong affinity for the old school bands that got us too...UFO, Scorpions, Gamma,Deep Purple, Triumph, Kansas ect ect

I would have to say that I have the Bear approach--
My top albums in my play list are somewhat related to what we have booked-

Eyefear - World Full of Grey
Mob Rules- Ethnolution AD
Circle II Circle-New one
JOP- Maniacal Renderings
Shadow Gallery - Room V- this has not left my car CD changer since November 2005.
Spocks Beard- self titled- A Perfect Day is pure majesty
Pagans Mind- Enigmatic Calling--

As far as the old school stuff--
Triumph- Remasters-
Kansas- Masque
Gentle Giant- ALL
Scorpions- Taken By Force
Crimson Glory- Transcendence..
Yeah Valerian, you and I very much have the same sense of music...Even with the list I posted I didn't add bands that I play more than anything, I looked on my Itunes playlist and Kamelot, Circus Maximus, Masterplan, Symphony X, Evergrey,Threshold,Soilwork are actually my most played..

I also have an abundance of new bands that I listen too..Evergrace, Triosphere,Cloudscape,Planet Alliance, Riverside, Twilight Guardians, Twilighting and alot more...

I also have a strong affinity for the old school bands that got us too...UFO, Scorpions, Gamma,Deep Purple, Triumph, Kansas ect ect


Great choices all! Everything you list as "play more than anything", except the Soilwork, are in my heavy rotation too.

I'm an avid collector with a voracious appetite and yet I am always amazed at how much more there is out there. And the last decade or so has seen an explosion in this kind of music world wide. Of the new bands you list, I only know two of them well, Cloudscape and Riverside (really been diggin' 2cd Life Syndrome). As Rick said in his ealier post, too much music and too little time. Any favorites among the others you list, anything you might consider must haves?

All of the old school artists you list are classics for me as well, the list is long. And as you said, we definitely share a similar sense of music... :rock:
I would have to say that I have the Bear approach--
My top albums in my play list are somewhat related to what we have booked-

Eyefear - World Full of Grey
Mob Rules- Ethnolution AD
Circle II Circle-New one
JOP- Maniacal Renderings
Shadow Gallery - Room V- this has not left my car CD changer since November 2005.
Spocks Beard- self titled- A Perfect Day is pure majesty
Pagans Mind- Enigmatic Calling--

As far as the old school stuff--
Triumph- Remasters-
Kansas- Masque
Gentle Giant- ALL
Scorpions- Taken By Force
Crimson Glory- Transcendence..

Great selections all around David! The new Circle II Circle, Shadow Gallery, Spocks Beard and Pagan's Mind are all in my top listens of new releases. Enigimatic Calling being one of all my all time favorites of late. I've loved Shadow Gallery from the beginning, and I don't feel they get enough attention these days. Even though SB hasn't been one of my favs, I couldn't agree with you more on the new one, I was pleasantly pleased by the new disc and don't understand the naysayers on this disc.

I've replaced a lot discs with remasters, but havn't on the Triumph yet, really looking forward to that!

I don't have any of the Eyefear or Mob Rules yet either and really looking forward to the new material at the show. I'll be listening to it around the upcoming festival for sure. I spent a lot of time doing that with the recent PPUSA7, it's a great opportunity for serious music appreication.

Being that I've lived and worked both in the Bay Area and So. Cal., I can't tell you how awesome it is that you got BARFest together. You were definitely reading the minds of a lot of us on this need. PP is great, but damn it's far for us West Coast folks. So BARFest couldn't be more needed and better timed (except for being back to back with CalProg and BAJAProg). I'm looking forward to supporting the shows this year and for many years to come, fortune willing.

Keep up the faith and Rock on! :rock:

Man you guys have some killer playlists as of late. Mine has been keeping me satisfied lately as well. I listen to alot of music while at work on my headphones. I have an MP3 player in my phone that holds about 140 songs. Right now I have an assortment of random songs from the following:

-Beyond Twilight "For the Love or Art and the Making" Great disc, though kinda hard to enjoy on the random play because of the structure of the music from this disc. This one has been getting alot of play at the house too.
-Communic "Visual Waves of Decay" Didn't know about this band until they were announced for PP. I am glad they were announce though because this band is awesome!
-After Forever "Prison of Desire" Got this disc after they were announced to play PP. Giving them a shot.
-Dark Empire "Distant Tides" Can't Wait for new stuff from this band.
-Firewind "Allegiance" Just was able to pick up this album.
-Fates Warning "Parallels" Just got this last week in the used metal row at the local record store
-Hibria "DTR" This one kicks my ass!
-Lost Horizon "Awakening tthe World" I usually switch off back and forth between the two LH discs. Always gotta have something by LH.
-Machine Men "Elegies" Is their new disc released yet?
-Mercenary "The Hours That Remain" Just got this one a month ago, can't believe i waited so long to get this one.....it's awesome!
-Metallica "AJfA" My favorite Metallica album and they are the band I loved as a teenager.
-Pagan's Mind "Celestial Entrance" Always have PM in my playlists.
-Raintime "Tales From Sadness" Another buy because of PP. I'm liking it.
-Rush "Hemispheres" Always gotta have Rush too.
-Shadow Gallery "Tyranny" Love this Album.......Alot!
-Sieges Even "The Act of Navigating By the Stars" This disc is incredible, I love it.
-Stride "Imagine" I hope the rumors of their breakup aren't true.
-Symphony X "V " Always have some SX, my personal favorite band
-Thy Majestie "Jeanne D' Arc" Thy Majestie's last two releases have been Awesome!!!

Those are just what I've had going for like the month of Febuary, I try to change it up at least once a month. Usually adding newly acquired discs throughout the month as well.

This thread is cool because I can go through your lists and check out all the bands you guys have been enjoying lately that I don't know much about. Time for a Beer. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Speaking of threads......I wanted to create one titled maybe, "Latest Purchase" or something along those lines for us to discuss the latest addition to the evergrowing collections. Would this be alright to create? I don't want to be the guy who starts a bunch of unwanted threads. :cool:
Man you guys have some killer playlists as of late. Mine has been keeping me satisfied lately as well. I listen to alot of music while at work on my headphones. I have an MP3 player in my phone that holds about 140 songs. Right now I have an assortment of random songs from the following:

-Beyond Twilight "For the Love or Art and the Making" Great disc, though kinda hard to enjoy on the random play because of the structure of the music from this disc. This one has been getting alot of play at the house too.
-Communic "Visual Waves of Decay" Didn't know about this band until they were announced for PP. I am glad they were announce though because this band is awesome!
-After Forever "Prison of Desire" Got this disc after they were announced to play PP. Giving them a shot.
-Dark Empire "Distant Tides" Can't Wait for new stuff from this band.
-Firewind "Allegiance" Just was able to pick up this album.
-Fates Warning "Parallels" Just got this last week in the used metal row at the local record store
-Hibria "DTR" This one kicks my ass!
-Lost Horizon "Awakening tthe World" I usually switch off back and forth between the two LH discs. Always gotta have something by LH.
-Machine Men "Elegies" Is their new disc released yet?
-Mercenary "The Hours That Remain" Just got this one a month ago, can't believe i waited so long to get this one.....it's awesome!
-Metallica "AJfA" My favorite Metallica album and they are the band I loved as a teenager.
-Pagan's Mind "Celestial Entrance" Always have PM in my playlists.
-Raintime "Tales From Sadness" Another buy because of PP. I'm liking it.
-Rush "Hemispheres" Always gotta have Rush too.
-Shadow Gallery "Tyranny" Love this Album.......Alot!
-Sieges Even "The Act of Navigating By the Stars" This disc is incredible, I love it.
-Stride "Imagine" I hope the rumors of their breakup aren't true.
-Symphony X "V " Always have some SX, my personal favorite band
-Thy Majestie "Jeanne D' Arc" Thy Majestie's last two releases have been Awesome!!!

Those are just what I've had going for like the month of Febuary, I try to change it up at least once a month. Usually adding newly acquired discs throughout the month as well.

This thread is cool because I can go through your lists and check out all the bands you guys have been enjoying lately that I don't know much about. Time for a Beer. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Speaking of threads......I wanted to create one titled maybe, "Latest Purchase" or something along those lines for us to discuss the latest addition to the evergrowing collections. Would this be alright to create? I don't want to be the guy who starts a bunch of unwanted threads. :cool:

You got some great stuff in there fabio! Some kick ass new stuff and some all time classics. After a dirth of darkness before the internet, now we are in a new renaissance overflowing with abundance for those who have the ears and can appreciate. Rock on! :rock: :kickass:
At work, I've been listening to:
PoS - Scarsick (pretty good),
Firewind - Allegiance (really growing on me - I'm enjoying it more and more), Wolverine - Still (Wow - this disk is rally kicking my ass),
Shift - Escape the Machine (kick ass), and
the new Redemption promo (Holy Shit!!!).

Still spinning the Communic too and liking it, but it is losing some ground with me. Another that has slowed down in rotation for me (just because of time) is Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion -- I really like this one a lot! I'm way more into prog than power, but this disk has enough elements of both that it is powerful and interesting! Some stellar guitar work on it too. Reminds of Marty Friedman at times.

Back to Wolverine right now...
For some reason I can't get into that Wolverine disk... what the hell am I missing? I've maybe only listened to it twice.... so maybe I haven't givien it a chance, but I can usually tell if a disk is going to grow on me...

For Me it's still Enchant - Break and Blink of an Eye...:rock: :rock: :rock:

And Mob Rules Among The Gods and Ethnoluton A.D.:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
For some reason I can't get into that Wolverine disk... what the hell am I missing? I've maybe only listened to it twice.... so maybe I haven't givien it a chance, but I can usually tell if a disk is going to grow on me...

For Me it's still Enchant - Break and Blink of an Eye...:rock: :rock: :rock:

And Mob Rules Among The Gods and Ethnoluton A.D.:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I don't know. I don't even know what I like about it! It took multiple plays to make me *want* to listen to it, but it never turned me off either.

Hell yeah!! In my truck, it is still my MP3 disk of all their releases. Up to Blink of an Eye again. I think I'll pry it out after Tug the next time and make a mixture MP3 disk with albums from all the bands @ BAR Fest (except Enchant and us).

Yeah, Ethnolution A.D. is one of those for the next disk. It has a good chance of growing on me since it didn't drive me away. I think the Eyefear sounds real promising too. I found some samples from Timeline that I DLed on 8/8/2005 but have yet to find the disk. I think they'll be cool too - the samples kinda have a DT- WDADU vibe to them (to me).