What are some of your favourite songs in Drop A?


May 23, 2011
Hey guys, so my guitar is in drop A right now, and I'm looking to learn some cool/fun songs to play in drop A. What are some of your favourites?
Blast, my faves were already mentioned :P Even though the original songs are not in drop-A, you can still play lots of A-tuned Fear Factory songs. Obsolete and Digimortal have quite a few, plus some on Archetype. They're quite easy but a fun picking hand session :) Try for example Act of God, Obsolete, Messiah, Freedom or Fire, Soulwound, Damaged, Hurt Conveyor.

Oh and in addition to Sacrifice Unto Sebek, try Cast Down the Heretic :) it's blast... (see what I did there!).
Thanks guys! Some pretty fucking SICK shit here! Keep em coming, I'm making a huge list of shit to learn. :kickass:
Both Between The Massacre and Sacha, here on this fourm, from Divinity & Enditol play in A standard..... not drop A, but tons of tasty techy riffs and a good bit should be playable in dropped tuning still...

I can't think of much awesome Drop A stuff at the moment...
Bloodbath - Eaten, and Blasting the Virginborn. At least I think it's in drop A like the rest of their tunes.