What are the rules to this game?

Kill yourself before you get too old.
Do that only after you've gone to a mall and killed as many people there as you can.

Make plans to start a revolution and overthrow capitalism.

Do not let yourself get emotionally attached to another human being for you'll get fucked.

Oppose religion. Spit on christians, muslims, jews, burn churches, synagogues, whatever.

Support satanism if you want since it's basically anarchy.

Bomb as many McDonalds as you can.

Support environmentalist activists. Bomb Greenpeace offices cause they don't do shit.

Kill all swedish melodic death metal bands, goth/vampire crap bands, euro-power metal bands.

Take this post seriously.

That's all for now.
good question, Chromie.
Well, if it's a game, i would like to know the rules.
If there are no rules, it won't be a game anymore..
but that's how i see it..

Yup, narrot...
but i figured that rule out, already..hihi
That's the only order there is to find in this chaos and the only rule that can't be broken... till thusfar... :ill:

xxx Iris xxx
hmm, always, in any situation, occasion, think before you Do, anything. otherwise it might cost a lot. and then you die.