Looks like we're going to...

It's an oldie..but i guess it'l still do good!
And ok, ok!!! i'll hand over the cookie then, ok? Don't wanna hurt you!! And i definately don't want to argue with Mr. Wittyness himself...that might hurt..heh! I won't struggle to Tryyyyyyyyyyyy...

xxx Iris xxx
Lord of Metal said:
*Cookie gets lodged in LoM's throat. LoM gasps for breath and dies*

You can't die!! I'm not a killerbee, told ya!!

xxx Iris xxx
(btw..you look pretty alive 'n kicking to me!! )
Lord of Metal said:
You people realize that you could do colors on the other format of the board, don't you?

Only wasn't party-time back then...now it is!!

xxx Iris xxx