What are you doing for Summer Solstice?


Jun 20, 2003
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I am going to a wooded hill near me, where there are some Solstice stones. I'm going to drink some red wine from Spain, eat some cheese and Summerwurst, make fun of the neo-Pagans frolicking in the grass, fend off the mosquitoes, and watch the sun go down.
1st Summer Solstice I've taken note of. Not the last!

Mind you, Sweden is the best for Midsummer. I was there in- bloody hell!- '95, and it was the most amazing thing, sunlight in the wee morning hours, blonde-haired kids running around MayPoles, everyone a bit TOO happy. Made me think of The Wicker Man. :)
yaaaaayyyy someone else mentions the wicker man on this forum!! top film!!

on the wicker man dvd they mention that hollywood might remake it with nick cage :ill:
i've been to norway and that everlasting day thing is really beautiful. though it doesn't help when it's like 1 am and you wanna sleep but can't cos the sun is bright as hell... :ill:
I won the moustache contest :p

so what is charlie bronson doin' these days? is he still alive or what? terryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! :yell:
I bought the Wickerman dvd. And I think you know why! :)
So I can play Brit Eklund's bedroom dance over and over again, and relish in her arse-slapping. Oh aye! :tickled:
Hey Cthulu,
How do you rate Cooper's Stout?
I quite like VB and even the mighty Emu!
Western Bitter ain't so bad either!
If you're from Canberra you might know the Alchemist lads? Their 'Austral Alien' is the best release I've heard in ages...
Yes I went to the CD launch from Austral Alien. Alas, the sound quality was teh big ghey, and they had a Nu metal band backing them up :( But yeah, It's a good release :)

I'm not a massive beer fan myself ;) I mostly drink vodka or burbon and cokes :)
Yeah, but it's still a marvelous arse whoever it belonged to!
"I believe in life eternal, as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ!"
Hee hee... famous last words, you fucking goat shishkabob! :tickled:
it was Lorraine Peters according to the notes on the soundtrack cd (which is also the fucking biz)

i watched this on telly as a kid and right till the end I was waiting for the good guys dramatic escape as the flames climbed higher and when it didnt happen i was freaked, the good guys always win dont they?? and wasnt the copper the good guy right?? LOL

