WHAT ARE you listen to in JUNE 08

wow, is that the name

Metallica - Demollica

i see it for dling


It's a German vinyl pressing of the No Life Till Leather demo and a couple of Ride the Lightning demos. It's the only Metallica I need.

Metallica sold out after they kicked Mustaine out the of the band, anyway.

this is actually a really shitty thread

That's cause your taste in music sucks.
Black Sabbath - All but mainly s/t, Paranoid, MoR, H&H, and Mob Rules
Opeth- couple songs here and there
Shpongled - this might have been the reason my salvia trip was absolutely ridiculous, that or being drunk.(fearies wear bootsand you gotta believe me)
NIN - Ghosts I - IV
a little Akercocke
oh and Ulver though that could have been last month
well i just bought

sinergy-beware the heavens
opeth-blackwater park
obituary-the end complete
dethklok-the dethalbum
nevermore-the godless endeavor
symphony x-symphony x
symphony x-V
symphony x-live on the edge of forever

and my friend let me borrow the first and most recent firewind albums, decrepit birth, nevermore. im really getting into nevermore lately, and i just learned the sweep in this godless endeavor
Opeth - Watershed
Scar Symmetry - Holographic Universe
Communic - Payment of Existance
Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black
Non-Human Level - s/t