what are you listening to right now?

weak and overly-pompous synths and keyboards is what summoning is all about. too much repetition and overdone tolkien worship.
Honestly I think they're one of the few BM bands that pulls off synth and piano parts pretty well, as they don't fall back into the whole cheesy choir OOOHSS and AHHHSS... especially on the new album. Can't argue with repetitious but its actually a part of them I appreciate.
Scourge of Malice said:
Summoning - "Oath Bound"

*Waits in anticipation for NFU to shit talk* ;)

i was a summoning fan when the rest of this forum was eating paste.

thumbs up.

and to the guy who said theyre over synthefied tolkien worship...you have a point...but thats exactly why it works. the tolkien stories are classics, but require a definite over the top feel to not make it seem contrived...and i think for a 2 man band, summoning do a good job of capturing that feel. but ive been a huge tolkien fan most my life, i can see how they wouldnt appeal to everyone.
the one album i liked from summoning would be stronghold. i got it about 6 years ago, i think and enjoyed some of it a lot (esp. 'long lost to where no pathway goes, rotting horse on the deadly ground). i wasn't too impressed when they used spoken word in let mortal heroes... and i guess the album as a whole did not engage me too much. how does oath bound compare with these two (and dol guldur - i haven't really listened to anything earlier)?
they succeed in creating the necessary tolkien mood, i guess it's just not my thing. silenius' day job in abigor is more for me.

derbeder said:
the one album i liked from summoning would be stronghold. i got it about 6 years ago, i think and enjoyed some of it a lot (esp. 'long lost to where no pathway goes, rotting horse on the deadly ground). i wasn't too impressed when they used spoken word in let mortal heroes... and i guess the album as a whole did not engage me too much. how does oath bound compare with these two (and dol guldur - i haven't really listened to anything earlier)?
they succeed in creating the necessary tolkien mood, i guess it's just not my thing.

stronghold is still their best imo. "long lost to where no pathway goes" is worth the price of admission alone. its also their darkest album, and probably the most interesting and least predictable for them.

oath bound has a more stronghold feel than let mortal heroes did...which turned out to almost be a movie soundtrack type feel. the guitars are more raw and turned up this go around as well...i think its a good release, you may want to give it a try.
Hey a thumbs up from NFU, I can die happy now :)

I haven't heard Stronghold yet so I can't compare "Oath Bound" to that, but I think it may be my favorite Summoning release as of now. I really like the symphonic parts on this one.

"El Cielo" is an amazing album