What are you using to Record...

James Murphy said:
you should grab the dp 4.6 update from MOTU's site... it's a free update and adds the very melodyne-like pitch correction features. i've been using it for a while now and love it.... it's amazing the update was free.. another reason i love DP.

Cool! Thanks James!
G5 1,8 Ghz Dual with 2 GB Ram - Mac OS X 10.3.9
Logic 7 Pro
RME Fireface + 2x Behringer ADA8000
UAD-1 and Powercore MK II
MH Channelstrip, all Sonasiskis Plugins, PSP Vinatge Warmer, Battery 2

Amek/Neve, RME Fireface, TC Audio, SPL, BBE etc.

Reamp box from Little Labs :rock:
\m/FRNK\m/ said:
@James : cool soloing you did on Rob vd Loo's album btw! ;)
thanks.. the mixer put some inappropriate delay, (too loud and funny timing) on the main solo and so the fast part, which originally sounded quite precise, came out like a jumbled mess. other than that he did a good job.