What are your opinions on tracking guitarists for an album?

I prefer both guitarists if both are tight enough... But many times you'll have that scenario where one is playing this and that part better and one is playing that and this part better. So you can mix it up, if they're style/tone is not completely different.
yeah i never have it set in stone. if one of the guitarists is pretty bad or just sloppy ill just have the other one track all of the rhythm parts. really just depends on how tight their playing is together.
There is typically one player who is better at rhythms. I would have him play all the guitar parts where they play the same part, and have the other guitarist come in for his parts ( unless he can't play them for shit ). For leads, I let the guitarists do their own thing.
We tracked a song about a year and a half ago and I tracked all the rhythm guitars. My other guitarist is an awesome lead player, and plays rhythm well, but his tightness is not up with mine as he usually only plays the riffs by himself with no backing track or just at jams. On the other hand, I have been around metronomes and drum machines/programs for the last 10 odd years and that has made me tight as a fishs arse! But there was 1 riff in the song that he had written and that day I just couldnt get my head around it, so we tracked him for just that riff. Leads went both ways, me on the bridge pick up and him on the neck pickup. Wish I had of known what I know now though, woulda turned out much better than it did, but tightness wise, it was right on the money.