what boarders DO you want to meet?

Captain Beard said:
Some people, I'll say. I won't name who I wouldn't meet, but most likely if you've known me long enough you know what side of the list you're on. :)

ive never had any form of conversation with you so i wouldnt know if im on the good or the bad side
I just realized I forgot the rest of the world. Typical American that I am.

Fine, how about an actual list: Isabel, Jamie, David, Eric, Jen, Krigloch, Jeremy, Zane, Steph, Max, Mike, James, Karen, Derek, Karmic, Stormrider, Perniciosa, and of course Danny Glover.

But I would not be opposed to meeting anyone who is not a registered sex offender. I'll make an exception for that if Max or James' seedy "activities" are ever exposed.
sorry if i\'m retarded, but what irc channel are you guys on?
Görge said:

everyone hates me.

So untrue. We should meet someday; perhaps tomorrow if you're going to Origin? There are some good shows coming up in Lawrence soon...we're bound to run into each other at some point in time.

I'd really like to meet most everyone on this board; you guys crack me up.