what boarders have YOU met?

Captain Beard said:
Seconded. You ran off quickly too. I scare you THAT much? o_O

standing around talking isn't my strong point and i had to leave the show because my brother couldn't take me so my parnets had to pick me up early =/ fuck not being able to drive.
None. I almost met Martin but I ended up deadly ill in Gothenburg instead.

I shall force you all to meet me when I visit the States again next year.
Will, Zob, Bill, Souls of Black, Metal Kingdom, Dead Lioness, CT_Thrash, Chrome, Wolftribe, Sentient6, Frets I cant think of any others.
Chromatose said:
I would like a thread that says "how many board lurkers have stalked Dead_Lioness?" and then they all post their pics taken from dark alleyways

....And there I am thinking I'm special :mad:
Heh, always forgotten. ;)

dead_lioness, Bozarth, FretsAflame, Mike, En Vind Av Sorg, General Zod, MetalSteph, Chromatose, and some others, I think. I'm bad with board names. ;)

I don't count Warrel and Smyth, since I knew them long before I ever posted here...
I'm too dumb to remember, so I was waiting for all of you to tell me who I've met.

I know I've at least met:
Chris Broderick
Steve Smyth
Dead Lioness

and of course Will

The pickle guy in Chico, a bunch of folks at Jaxx, a couple at the Knitting Factory, etc. But i am dumb.