What can go in my ada8000?


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
So I've been wanting to add some room mics and maybe another mic on the snare and occasionally some people with bigger kits come in, I'm yet to actually try the ada8000 synced to my profire.

But I was thinking maybe things that aren't all TOO important could go in it, initially I thought I'd put the things in that I knew I was going to hammer with a compressor (room mics, snare bottom etc...)
but then I thought it's probably got a load more noise that my profire 2626 :lol:

Are there any tracks worth running through it?

At the moment Im just filling up my profire and if a person with ONE more tom came in then I'd have to start thinking about whats most important and what can be sent to the ADA.

If I know for definite Im going to sample replace something then obviously that can run through the 8000 but maybe im just better off selling it and getting another profire?
You can send your triggers there (that's what I do, and sometimes snare bottom mic). Just remember that phantom power is common to all input on this machine, so you can't mix microphones with it.

Well, you can't use older ribbon mic's with it, but dynamic's and newer ribbons are fine as long as they're wired correctly and you don't plug and unplug them while the phantom power is on.
Dude get one!! I use mine along my profire and it's always good to kno you hav extra 8 channels. I use the Ada mainly for room mic and incase drummer has extra toms.