What can i improve?

Oct 22, 2007

I'm currently recording my band at home- it's all pretty ghetto, but we're doing the best with what we have :p I'm mixing it as best i can- and i'm enjoying doing it, but i'm no expert. Drums are ezdrummer drumkit from hell, guitars are mic'ed with vocal mics, bass is DId and vocals were tracked with a dynamic mic.

Whole thing is tracked via a firewire box into cubase and then all the mixing is using the plug-ins that come with that.

Overall i think it sounds decent, but it's just doesn't sound like a professional, polished mix. Any tips as to what i can add/change?

Unmixed version
Part Mixed Version
definetally bring the snare down, the guitars up and maybe some extra compression on vocals, most commercial records are over-compressed at that part
for some reason the mp3s don't sound any where near as good as just pressing play in cubase :S

Am i doing something wrong?
how about this mix.


Still doesn't sound right to me...

(Sorry about the huge file size, i've just set everything to "max" because it wasn't sounding the same encoded as unencoded)
thats way better. The snare sounds over compressed, and the kick is very hard to hear. And the vocals are a little too loud now.
I was waiting to hear "The blood's on the wall, so you'd might as well just admit it"...That vocalist sounds just like Randy Blythe, haha.

But yeah, guitars need to me more present and dominant in the mix and the vocals need to go down some.
haha, as a guitarist i think i've been over cautious with the guitar levels. I kinda expect myself to turn "me" all the way up in the mix.

At the minute i'm replacing the drum kit from hell bass drum, and maybe the snare too with samples i found on this forum as they sound way better (I'm starting to love this place :kickass:)

I'm going to take the Randy Blythe Comment as a compliment as LoG are fucking kick ass- and their production is awesome so if we can sound like them then we must be doing something right :p

Aside from the levels though- anything in the production that could be improved? Or would that basically mean forcing one of you to go through every setting on every channel? a little hard to do over a forum.