What CD did you really want to like but couldn't get yourself into it..

Voivod - RRRÖÖÖAAARRR, I love everything else they've done aside from that album...
Also, the first Vio-Lence album and anything by Suicidal Tendencies & Hellhammer.
Voivod - RRRÖÖÖAAARRR, I love everything else they've done aside from that album...
Also, the first Vio-Lence album and anything by Suicidal Tendencies & Hellhammer.

You don't like the first Vio-lence album? What the fucking fuck? Who the fuck doesn't like that? Also, Suicidal Tendencies?? WAR!! INSIDE MY HEAD!!! WAR!! INSIDE MY HEAD!! You should look at yourself from distance, like a philosopher, and fucking think about your values. Not liking Eternal Nightmare doesn't even fucking make sense, you had to make it up on LSD.
Hahaha, don't get me wrong, I recognize it's full of awesome riffs and all that... But the vocals kill it for me.
I can see why people like it, and I recognize the overall quality, but it still doesn't quite "click" with me if you know what I mean.
I like their latter stuff though. If that makes me not-worthy... So be it!

But yeah, perhaps I simply need to lock myself in a room with it for a few days... Or get off the LSD. :erk:
I honestly have to side with you, bro. I really just an't get into Vio-Lence.

However, Suicidal and Hellhammer I love to death dearly forever and stuff.
Iron Maiden in general :(

Mind you, I haven't listened to a great deal of their stuff. I have their The Essential Iron Maiden greatest hits CDs, but they're just too rock 'n' roll for me. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of power metal singing or because they're not heavy enough... I dunno...