what color are your eyes?

normal condition: bright blue with a touch of grey
when angry: dark grey with a touch of violet :err:
when drunk: greenish-blue :err:
in the photos: red :err:
Grey/blue-the same color as the ocean here.
It looks like there's tiny white lace spiraling around each iris.

and hey lordlucid...i'm still convinced that yours have tiny jay feathers in them :)
Brown ...I have colored contacts I wear sometimes, they're all clear except for the very center which is a shimmery silver color. So it looks like I have brown eyes with silver around the pupil - very cool.

But yeah brown :erk:
I want to get colored contacts with a nifty design. does anyone watch Naruto? If so, I want to get contacts like saske's eyes, when he does the sharingah.