What DEAD musicians have you seen live?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, not sure how this came to me, but the other day I was thinking of musicians who I have seen live who are now dead....

Here is my list:

Joey Ramone (RAMONES)
Johnny Ramone (RAMONES)
Steve Clark (DEF LEPPARD)
Barry Stern (TROUBLE)
Ingo Schwichtenberg (HELLOWEEN)

I am sure there are more I am forgetting...

What about you guys?
I had tix for Ozzy / Metallica (Puppets tour), but my bro decided to sell them for some reason (most likely weed)

Yeah....excellent show....at least from Metallica. They blew Ozzy out of the water!! Ah....memories!!:headbang::kickass:
Interestingly enough, Ozzy was supporting his "lightest" album (The Ultimate Sin) while bringing out his heaviest support band in Metallica (well, as of that point in time)

Metallica's stage set up for that tour was ace!
Chuck Schuldiner, Death- Milwaukee Metalfest. Got to meet him as well and he was -very- cool.
Piggy, Voivod- Milwaukee Metalfest
Doc, Vader- Riley's Rockhouse
Jesse Pintado, Napalm Death- The Vic

RIP to all.