Rush Limbaugh.
I activated my XM Satellite radio subscription. word one: awesome. imagine my thrill when I went straight to the metal station and was regaled with a tuneful little number by Napalm Death!
two doors down from me Saturday night: double murder.
Scene: young man is cleaning his stuff out of his apt when his estranged wife starts arguing about what belongs to who. dude shoots a round into the air; wife won't shut up, so he shuts her up permanently with two more shots. mother in law comes out shrieking. dude shuts MIL up also. I'm downstairs, the wife is upstairs, I hear, "BANG"! then five seconds. "BANG" and so on. then someone runs past the back of our building, "my pals shot my ma! my pals shot my ma! my pals shot my ma! my pals shot my ma! " in a chillingly distraught voice. That's when I realized the Bangs weren't fireworks. I went upstairs to check on the wife (you know you're an urban resident when you realize that bullets don't always go where they are pointed)...
squad cars, chopper overhead, it was pretty wild for a time.