what did you do on the 4th?

two birds, one stone:


drove up to ossipee (new hampshire) on thursday night, and spent all friday the Fourth swimming around in the lake, doing a tropical fish puzzle, and getting picked on by elderly people.

for fish week i caught six fish, two keeper-sized bass which i let go anyway. my roommate caught a really really big one but it had swallowed the hook and i spent five minutes with three fingers all the way down its throat (while it bit down on me and tried to spine me) trying to work it out. finally we gave up and had to cut the line and hope he could survive with the hook in him, but when we threw him in the water he was dead (probably from being out so long). like the scene early in The Stand where the guy tried the makeshift appendix operation and digs around looking for it until the patient perishes.

we didn't fish again all week.