Army or civilian service,what did you do?

Originally posted by Parabola

I don´t think it makes sense either. As far as I can remember France abolished mandatory service a few years ago. I hope Germany will follow.

i was in the last year to not make the mandatory service
if i were born 6 months earlier, i would have to make it :)

not that i would have tried to finish my studies first (in France, if you were doing studies, you were allowed to finish it before to make the service) and said at the end : "hey look ! the service has been abolished 3 years ago, why should i have to make it ?" (none of them did the service)

instead, we had a day of propaganda, explaining how works the french army and encouraging ourself to join the army ...

i don't know how it is in germany, but if we chose the civilian service instead of the military service, it lasted almost 2 years instead of 10 months
@aegis: The momentary situation, under the law from 1 January this year is, that mandatory service takes 9 months, and civilian service 10,so the two services are very close to each other so noone has any disatvantages when deciding which one he should do,which i think is good,at least 1 point which is a bit fair.

But when thinking of past times that is a lot more less than many years ago, when civilian service took 15 months,before that it was 18 i guess(correct me if i'm wrong) and so on.

@the joy of grief: Was hälst Du von unserer "Demokratie"?
In meinen Augen ist es echt traurig, dass man in unserem Land solche Probleme hat, wenn man Zivildienst machen will. Es ist einfach eine Lüge,dass man sich zwischen beiden Diensten entscheiden kann,man ist einfach verpflichtet zum Bund zu gehen,wenn man nicht verweigert.Bei mir z.B. hat der ganze Mist ca.6 Monate gedauert,bis ich dann endlich anerkannter Wehrdienstverweigerer war.
Ich finde diese ganze Bürowirtschaft sollte doch mal langsam ad acta gelegt werden,man sollte sich frei entscheiden können ob man nun zum Bund geht oder ob man halt Zivildienst macht,was meinst du?
i didnt even know what you meant at the beginning of the thread because we dont have this evil practise in the uk:p ...but it doesnt sound too nice - MANDATORY service? i wouldnt like being made to do something if i didnt want to do it
Originally posted by in2thenight
i wouldnt like being made to do something if i didnt want to do it

and that's the point,you ARE being forced to do mandatory service unless you write a refusal in which you describe why you want to do civilian service and i think this is not right.
I think it should be voluntary, the people who would like to go to the army and who see a future for themselves in that,for them it would be very useful and i think there are a lot of those.
But the problem is,how would we solve this problem when it comes to civilian service. I don't know, if civilian service was on a volunteer base,how many people would make use of it,would it be more than those concerning the army? Another problem is that you have much more chances to work your way up in the army than when doing civilian service and that's why i think that a new law like this would not be stable. I mean, here we have this year called "voluntary social year" which is mainly designed for women,maybe there could be something for men too, but like i said i don't reallly know...what do you say?
Sure, this post is somehow timed-out, but because of the situation I think I have to reply something :grin:

Since June 3rd this year I'm a member of the "red cross", what means I'm now doing my "civilian service". It's not that bad, but like some said, you earn much less money than in a normal job, but it's more human, than military service. I wanna help people, not kill them! Here in Austria military service takes 8 months and civilian service 12 months. Get ~350 € per month, but I think it was the right choice.
oh how good to see that my thread is not dead and still serviving:)

i wanted to go to the kindergarten too first, was it ok?
i mean,no kids that jumped up to you each day and pulled on your trousers :D ?
Actually it was very much like that. They beated the hell out of me. I´m the kind of person any kid will attack after about an hour of knowing. But it was nice too. I was witnessing two kids from abroad learning to speak finnish from zero point. I teached them words by playing memory games and stuff. I had lots of time to drink coffee and play computer when the kids were out or sleeping. And the staff treated me like I was a human, even thought I didn´t go to army :)

On the other hand a friend of mine was in a kindergarten too and hated it. But he had to do all kinds of shitjobs, wash dishes and so on.
I did 10 month's in the army in an artillery platoon. I was the gunner on a field houwitzer Bofors FH 77B.