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Originally posted by On the Edge of Forever
Unh... I do nothing.
I apparently have a girlfriend.. (I've not seen her for about 13 months now and we only communicate through e-mails, really) and I suppose that in context of the question what do I do to stave off the darkness. Nothing. I just do nothing.
As much as I'd love to say that going through a depressive hell for the last year gave me more insight into life, I can't help but feel cheated out of happiness. Living through the darker side of life is just not what it's cracked up to be, the only insight I've gained from it is that NHS counsellors really suck, self-absorption is a drug and the so-called grandeur of melancholy is generally pathetic. There's nothing glorious about real misery.. but it's strangely compelling. The big irony of it all is that if I was actually doing anything constructive with my time during this period I would probably have never reached that low. So maybe it's my lesson to learn and spend more time on that job-hunting right now.. because really, anything is better than nothing.
"Apparently have a girlfriend?" Now that's an odd thing to say if I ever heard an odd statement haha

Seriously though, I'd say you've learned a lot from your miserable experience (and yet you're not bitter about it... good for you