What did you do once you graduated college?


Active Member
Jul 4, 2002
I know there's a fair few people here who went to university. I finished my degree last year having absolutely no idea what I wanted to do, spent a few months spending the last of my student loan, got a crappy job for a bit and now I'm working on a short term research contract at a university.

Anyway, my point is that my post-student life has mostly been really fucking boring and having to work sucks. I figure now is a good time to be doing something fun like travelling, once I get some money together. So did anyone else do anything worth talking about, other than just get a job and setting yourself up for a life of work?
hmmm...I graduated from UNH and was jobless for about six months in New Hampshire, and two friends and I got some drug-crazed idea to move to Arizona, so we got a uhaul trailer, put a hitch on the back of my 73 ford galaxie 500, and did our Kerouac thing across the country.

was jobless in AZ for six more months and moved home to my folks' duty location in Illinois, where I hired on with the Dept. of the Army. Then I transferred to Defense Finance and Accounting Service, and then to Defense Logistics Agency, where I'm racking up my years til retirement.

you should travel now, while you're young and have no responsibilities.
well, if they can accept me in pharmacy, I'll probably either work in an hospital or for a private employer, or I might start my own pharmacy chain.

edit: finding jobs won't be a problem for me... we're short 1000 pharmacist in this province and with the population aging, we need more more and more health workers.
ahah, at one time in my life I hated chemistry, but then they tought us the formula to make TNT.... life got a lot more interesting afterward :D
i graduated in december '00. i quit my job and hung out with my buddy at his abandoned parent's house until april '01. three months of video games and playing drunk soccer in an empty kitchen. then i moved to nashville and got a real job. end of story. i had already traveled alot and all that crap so dont laugh - it was a good three or four months. wasteful, yes, but fun.
then again, i moved to nashville with zero dollars and about $5000 in credit card debt. there are smarter ways to do it.
fwiw, those three months were among the most fun of my entire life. so....
lame ellestin, lame.
hey, since youre here, wtf is up with winning eleven? i cant even score a fucking goal.
I'm finishing up school at the end of this year and have no god damn clue what I'll do right afterwards. I want to attempt to spend at least a week or two in Europe somehow. Then maybe come back and start working on my Masters.

Try to use the R2 button as much as possible while delivering long passes into the injury zone it. It kind of gives you more control. Otherwise try to develop a solid collective system 'cause dribbling is hard, especially with average players. Rely on your best players to try a few shoots "from downtown", those land in the net fairly often when you manage to handle the very sensitive power bar.