What did you do once you graduated college?

Décadent said:
Dorian, when did you get married, in relation to finishing your schooling?
hey nick!
i graduated in december '00 and got married in august '01.
and i remember that security job you had! haha :rock:
Haha, good stuff. I got another job at last, as a servo clerk at a fuel station, though that doesn't start for a few weeks.

How long had you known your missus before you proposed?
ha, nicks getting married! woot!
anyway, we dated a bit a in '96 then again in '99. i proposed sometime in december '00. so, i dunno. 1.5 years or so.
Well there would be no sense in getting married to someone who lives 2 full days drive from here, that's for sure. Later on down the track... having at least lived with her a while... things might change. Fuck knows.
On the topid for a sec, I finish my Diploma in Graphic Design at the end of this year, and hope to be working freelance by sometime next year. If that works out then I will travel Europe, hopefully live there for a bit and just work over the internet.
Only issue at this point is my band, I am not leaving them behind to get another drummer.