what did you do while um was down?

My bro got Morrowind for his B-Day, and I was able to play it for the first time...

Good lord. Its like crack for a former EQ addict. The graphics... and the rpging... and the total lack of complete fcuking retards...

Ohh, there's the answer to my upcoming boredom (see NF thread if confused). I downloaded Bloodmoon and Tribunal when I first got Morrowind, but I've never played them yet. Good time to do so now I've finished the main quest. Maybe I'll even try learning how the hell to use the Construction Set too, that might cure my creativeness.
Kov: I've never played EQ, but Morrowind is like crack for me too. And the best is, it seems f***ing neverending, at least at the point were I am in the game now. And that is only Morrowind without the add-ons. Sweet...