WHAT do drum triggers do????PLEASE?


New Metal Member
Mar 31, 2004
im jsut a guitarist...but my friends and i have been talking about drum triggers...do they spark a sound clip, wehn the bass drum is hit???or do they just send the sound through th PA or something??? WHAT DO THEY DO??? haha thanks.
A drum tigger..aka Electric drum, is a pad that when struck, sends a message to a "brain" unit tha tells it to sound the drum sample that has been assigned to that pad.

Drum triggers can be hooked to samplers or sound units to get many kinds of sounds-you can assign a thunderclap to one if you want.

The big deal everyone is freaking out over them is that they are used often when drummers do hyperfast bass drum rolls. VERY few players can go hyper fast on bass drums and get clarity; therefore, to help get that clairty, triggers are used.
Drum triggers are small devices connected to acoustic drums that can sense when and how hard the drummer hits the drum. The trigger is connected to a brain that plays a pre-programmed sampled sound when the trigger tells it to. While I am sure there are some drummers that use it for a technical advantage by making it play two beats instead of one etc. but it is normally just used for sound reinforcement as drums are difficult to mic and the triggers can give more of a tonal range than an acoustic drum. Many bends mix the triggered sound along with the acoustic sound just to give more "fullness: in the tone.

Most Death Metal drummers who use triggers do NOT use it for hitting 2 beats with each kick...

When you play really fast double bass, there is not enough time for each bass drum to pause accoustically. Using triggers makes the double bass sound much more cleaner with less blending of the percussive hits.
Hey, I'm going to bed now so I can't give you a link, but do a search of this forum for threads with the word "triggers" and some good ones should come up from the past year. Very informative.
they also make setting up the drums and sound checking, etc; much easier when you're playing live. no playing with mic placement and trying to get the levels just _so_