What do you guys think of this drummer?


Jul 31, 2008
Montreal, QC

He's one of my best friends' brother. :kickass: or :puke:?

I think he seems pretty tight! :D
:D Good to hear some positive feedback for him and his band.

His favourite band is Avenged Sevenfold actually so he's used to faster drumming, but as everybody here knows, faster isn't necessarily better for the skills.
And I think him liking and kind up looking up to Mike Portnoy, Sean Reinert and Chris Adler's drumming gives him good influences too.
He's tight and consistant, that's important. I'd like some more variation in the parts, but that's a matter of taste.. if all drummers I ever record are as good as him, I am a very happy man!
That said, do they know Starting Line is already a band? Lineup isn't that much of a change...

Not sure they know that, I'm gonna tell 'em, but they're gonna release something commercial soon so their manager might know it. Still, it never hurts to tell.

And yeah, that guy might take Jazz classes somewhere down the line, then he'd be able to master complex rythms and drum like hell.

Thanks for the positive criticism, I'll be glad to show this to him. :)
Yeah well he used to have an Avenged Sevenfold cover up but it got deleted (or so it seems) so that's all I have to show for now.