What do you think? Diezel Herbert


Oct 14, 2007
The band uses 7 strings tuned down to F standard and a 5 strings bass tuned down to F standard. I've never worked with anything this low. I also don't think I've ever worked with a band playing at 250bpm.

Guitars are a TS7 into a Diezel Herbert into Mesa cab loaded with V30s and miced with a SM57 an inch off and at the edge of the dust cap. We rushed a bit as it was 10pm when we started to reamp and the guys had a 5 hour drive ahead of them. The guitarist tweaked the knobs to get a tone we were happy with and chose channel 2. He had the bass all the way down to around 9 o'clock and the depth(I think) down there too and it was still a bit woofy. The only eq I did on the guitars was a few db wide cut around the 400 area I think. Amp wasn't set too terribly loud since it was late at night.

I've never seen a Diezel in person, I liked it, but I'll never be able to afford one. It has all kinds of switches and options.

Vocals haven't been done yet.

Check it out here.

I'd really appreciate any opinions and advice.
Guitars seem very mid heavy, not a fan of the sound too much. But drums sound great imo!
I think if you had more time to spend with the herbert you could have gotten a great tone....
the F tuned stuff sounds retarded, imo....
For beeing that low I don't hear that much bass going on in the mix, or are my ears that much fucked today?
Thanks for listening, I updated the mix here.

I dropped another 1.5 db in the mids area I think on the guitars. Comparing the two doesn't seem to make a difference. I did feel like there was a lack of bass in the mix. Having a hard time getting that big low end. New mix has a lot more I believe. Feels heavier to me.

On the plus side, we should be doing more songs later down the road and will be reamping them all together and spending more time on the guitar tone.
Few things:

- Mago said it, the mix probably needs to be a bit more bass heavier.. im missing the low end as well as im listening to the first AND second mix.
- Jocke said it allready as well, but the snare is really too much on those blastbeats parts.. and too much of a 1 hit being repeated over and over again.
- Bring those guitars and bass up! i think it's too much drums and not enough guitars and bass, just a bit more.

The skeleton sounds nice though so far.. and i think the band is pretty wicked!
The mix is very snare heavy. So it sounds very trigged, in a (IMO) bad way. Otherwise, not bad.


maybe you should only compress the snare and if necessary q something in the mids of the snare (maybe not) otherwise it's nice and heavy, I quite like the sound cos it's original.
Thanks for the feedback guys!. I made a few changes in levels, mostly brought the drums down a pinch and the snare a little more so. I'm trying not to go too drastic with my changes and overcompensate. Updated mix here.

Slammer, I mixed and mastered this.