What do you think of Last FM?

I really like last.fm. I don't spend a lot of time on the site, but I like seeing statistics on how my musical tastes have changed over the years.
Last.fm rules - it's useful, can be fun and you can either spend days on it or not do anything at all, it works genuinely either way.
It took me a while to figure it out as well. Scroll to the very bottom and under the Do More column click "chart images." If you can't figure the rest out from here we'll know that you really aren't a troll.

Good site, I like having a record of how much I listen to stuff, although it makes me a bit leery of listening to really fruity stuff.
If you can't figure the rest out from here we'll know that you really aren't a troll.

He can't use a quote as a signature, he had to type it out manually! Do you really expect him to figure out how to make a last.fm sig?