What do you think of Rob Caggiano?

Rob is one of the coolest "stars" I've ever had the privelage of talking to. As an example, my Girlfriend from Brooklyn was over here in Scotland and we spoke to Rob after the show at the Barrowlands in March and they were talking about different parts of New York and shit, then I came over to the States for the show at the Stone Pony in Jersey and as we're walking back to the car after the show, we see Rob and go over to talk to him, but before we get next to him, he recognises us and and says, "hey, I remember you, how are you?". That was pretty fuckin' cool if you ask me.
olliezombie said:
Thanks guys for your great feedback from our interview with Rob.
For those who haven't see check out the link on the Anthrax homepage or www.astro-zombie.com.
We thought Rob was brilliant who had a great sense of humour. People have told me that this was his first Anthrax interview!! Is this true?
I thought it was a good interview. :p
Now I need to see him play live with the band, which I will do 08/02 at the HOB Anaheim :cool:
He's seems pretty cool, definetly a good 'Gee-tar' player
So was Paul C., and he was very cool to me, when I met him.
Ever since Spitz left, they've done just fine with replacing him.
I just didn't get his "Fuck French".
I guess there are some Anthrax fans in France. No wonder if they said "well, fuck Mr.Caggiano".
johnnieCzech said:
I just didn't get his "Fuck French".
I guess there are some Anthrax fans in France. No wonder if they said "well, fuck Mr.Caggiano".

I'm sure it has to do with the French stand on the war with the US and it's allies. Yeah, there probably are Thrax fans there, but if they have their heads on straight, they'd realize Rob's talking about the government, not the people themselves.
Phxthrax said:
I'm sure it has to do with the French stand on the war with the US and it's allies. Yeah, there probably are Thrax fans there, but if they have their heads on straight, they'd realize Rob's talking about the government, not the people themselves.

Knowing Rob, he is probably saying "fuck" as in "to have sex," as in, he wants to fuck some French women. Come on, guys. Can anyone say "one-track mind"?