What do you think of the band Saturnus?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I just picked up their new one Veronika Decides to Die, which is melodic doom/death, with lots of keys, pianos, and blues-inspired guitar work. Vocals range from clean to spoken to harshly growled; and even though he sounds nothing like, say Mike, I find his growling quite original. They also employ some drony moments which aren't too different than the stuff on Cult of Luna's last one. And the production is amazing.

I've never heard their earlier work, however. What do you guys think?

One of the best doom albums i've heard. (i don't usually like doom)

The albums correct name is "Veronika Decides To Die" and not what you wrote.

The singers vocals = Fukin awesome !

unfortunately this is one of the bands where the cheese factor makes the music unenjoyable (for me)...
basically, there's no time to appreciate anything when you get hit with a big hunk of cheese right from the beginning.. i deleted the album after listening to the first song :erk:
prowlergrig said:
unfortunately this is one of the bands where the cheese factor makes the music unenjoyable (for me)...
basically, there's no time to appreciate anything when you get hit with a big hunk of cheese right from the beginning.. i deleted the album after listening to the first song :erk:

they dont pass my cheese filter either. spot on