What do you think of this mix?

Sounds good overall. I dare even say there is too much separation - drums sound a bit distant from guitars. I would consider boosting subs on the bass, adding some mixbuss compression and maybe a touch of parallel compression to the snare.
At very first I thought the mids of the bass was too loud. there´s a quite nice gritty clang in the bass I´d like to hear more, so I´d give that clang
a little boost and cut the mids lower a bit. I´d too add some subs a bit to it, so basically go a little more "V" eq with the bass imo.
I guess you´ve panned all guitars pretty hard? That gives you good separation between guitars and bass (and obviously vocals when you find the guy :}),
but if you have more than one track per side, panning one 100% and one track say 80% would make them seem bigger in the stereofield. I like that,
now there´s too big gap on guitars in the center area imo. Nothing drastic though :D

I agree with anotherpaul too with pretty much everything. This would definitely benefit some bus-compression glue!
Some crashes seem like they pop up too close, a tad too loud I think..

But there´s definitely potential in there! Cool song too :}
Hey, thanks guys!
I think panning guitars differently is a cool idea, but don't you think that now this mix is basically ready for vocals, which obviously would take quite a lot of space in the centre? Also, we're aiming for male singer and male voice is basically the same frequencies as the guitars, so wouldn't it clash?
I can boost the subs gently, but actually this kind of focused, pumping bass and separation between instruments was what I was trying to achieve, so if I'll do it it will be subtle :)
Also, can you explain what bus-compression is? I'm a still a newbie if it comes to production ;)

Actually I like the gap in the middle!

What kind of processing you did on guitars?
It is just a hard panning or did you use some kind of widening/MS technique?