What Genre Is This?


Nov 30, 2011
Perth, Australia
I know it shouldn't bother me, but it's got me curious.

The other day, I wrote and recorded a little instrumental clip. It's completely different to what I'm used to, I mainly write melodic death metal...
I just don't know what genre this is, could you help me? Also, it'd be awesome if you gave me some feedback on it too if you like. Thanks in advance.


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I'd say post-rock, because it reminds me of Maybeshewill

Thanks to your post, I looked up some stuff that people we're describing as Post-Rock. I found a band called Mogwai which I'm reaaaally digging. It's good to be opening up to some more influences.

This is sort of starting to lead off of the thread's topic, but can anyone else recommend any similar stuff?
I'll take this opportunity to plug a fantastic local (to me at least) artist, Steve Strong

Also - As Tall As Lions, The Reign of Kindo, God is an Astronaut, This Will Destroy You... that's all I've got off the top of my head. But try last.fm too http://www.last.fm/music/Mogwai/+similar
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Haha... just call it rock or poprock. IMO people are taking this genre thing a bit too seriously. I feel like there's a different genre name for every metal band out there. IMO they really shouldn't need to TRY and convince people that their music is unique. If it's unique people will notice it right away. F.ex. tell me what goes into the genre: pop music. Rock, hiphop, rap, rnb, soul... IMO those are "real" genres. I always thought these different "-core" endings on "new genres" are idiotic.

To me it feels like these "******-core" metal bands feel the need to convince their listeners into believing that they are unique by coming up with a new genre name. :) In the end it's rare to find something unique that really deserves a new genre name... like Meshuggah f.ex.