What Guitar Should I Buy!?

get an ibanez, LTDs usually have crap quality control, and are very poorly finished. I once got a shard in my finger from an LTD headstock :guh:
cobhc_fan said:
I thought about buying this guitar.... http://www.music123.com/ESP-M100FM-i97938.music
Tell me what do you think about it ;)
I have $370 to buy a guitar

I think if you already have a guitar you should keep saving your money and get a decent guitar.

But if its like a first electric guitar kinda thing don't spend to much... I'd actually look into some used guitars first. Nothing wrong with a used guitar thats been taken care of. You'll probablly be able to get something a little better for the money you wanna spend if ya don't mind the fact that its used. Either way before ya even seriously think about buying a guitar I'd suggest you play it first. So you ain't stuck with something that dosn't feel comfortable for you.
Insilden_The Shred said:
I think if you already have a guitar you should keep saving your money and get a decent guitar.

But if its like a first electric guitar kinda thing don't spend to much... I'd actually look into some used guitars first.
I have an acoustic Guitar , but i wanta ''Good'' guitar to start... i don't want some shit....
Or i ask my father to give me his guitar...... this will don't work...
Electric Takamine ^^
cobhc_fan said:
I have an acoustic Guitar , but i wanta ''Good'' guitar to start... i don't want some shit....
Or i ask my father to give me his guitar...... this will don't work...
Electric Takamine ^^

Well honestly... you are not gonna get a "Good" guitar for $370 and certainly not if its brand new.
Save a little more and get a Dinky.

agreed this is the best guitar for the money

it is worth saving a $100 more, trust me dude u wont regret it
War_Blade said:
agreed this is the best guitar for the money

it is worth saving a $100 more, trust me dude u wont regret it

Seconded, that was my first real guitar I bought and I love it, I put new pickups in it. The neck is really confortable and quality is good, but I'm waiting for my NEW Jackson to arrive.:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
CliffBurton said:
the guitar in my sig was about $300 used. ESP LTD F-50

Yeah, the MSRP on that guitar is high, IMO. I was able to get my EC -50 new from Musicians Friend for less than 200. But...You definitely shouldn't have paid more than 250 for that guitar used.
Rock Hydra said:
Yeah, the MSRP on that guitar is high, IMO. I was able to get my EC -50 new from Musicians Friend for less than 200. But...You definitely shouldn't have paid more than 250 for that guitar used.

twas a gift.
lol, yea i hate those fucking LTDs. My buddy wanted to learn guitar so i told him to get a jackson or ibanez

so what does he do, fucken buys a shit LTD "it looked cooler..."

So i try it out, and it turned out worse then my first guitar, a piece of shit copy of a strat. That crap BC rich im having to deal with now (untill i get my Rhoads) pwns that thing.