What Happens when true metals meet their biggest idol?

Tut Ankh Amon

I See You Masturbate!
Sep 26, 2002
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
They smile!

Dang! I knew someone would say something about the watch! :lol:

now imagine this scene: in a calm saturday night, on a calm neighborhood, you see the devil being chased by 3 guys with painted faces, screaming, and one of them is armed with an axe and a boglin (wich has the SAME corpse paint than the guy who is pupeteering it) :lol:

That old lady never saw where that came from!!! :lol:
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
wearing a watch is untrue...
wait!... thats a stereotype on watches!!! what about those watches that are calculators!!?? surely they're true?
the old lady was coming home from shopping, she had some bags... Then we blast running (the devil, then me, then the guy with an axe and a boglin, then flavio)
She just had time to say "Ai meu jesus! Que que isso?!"
it would translate like "DEAR JESUS!! WHAT'S THAT!?"

aeuheauhaeuahuhueah that surely rocked :lol:
Originally posted by KLoWN|TePeS
wait!... thats a stereotype on watches!!! what about those watches that are calculators!!?? surely they're true?

being able to handle with numbers, wheter you use a calculator, or you do it by mental arithmetic is absoulutley untrue and gay... get some wristbands instead :p