What (if any) Ps2 game are you playing and is it any good?

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Im on Max Payne and its the dogs testicles (this English term actually meaning yes good). Theres a button you press when you go into a gunfight that slows everything down like matrix fights and you see the bullets whizzing past and its just a proper boys game. Top marks. Ive just got Medal Of Honor Frontline through the post but im not gonna start it until ive had my filthy fill with Max Payne.
right now playing castlevania: lament of innocence... great game but quite short... love the castlevania series
try silent hill 2 or 3,you'll rediscover the fear you used to feel when you were a little kid,its really disturbing and great to play during the night with a good sound system and tv

try gta vice city and metal gear solid 2 too,and if you're into rpg you're bound to meet final fantasy X and its emotional storyline
at the moment i`m playing "final fantasy X-2". it is cool but my faves are:

Silent Hill
Shadow of memories
and ...(I only know the german name for it...f.uck...wait a minute...-...)
one minute later
two minutes later
...yes!!! the name is: Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon

By the way. In august i will travel to ireland with my girlfriend
Maybe theres a chance to meet you Antimatter guys...
I`m ok
I had some holydays at home and me and my girl renewed our flat.
I`ve heard of Autumnblaze doin a tour with Anathema in january and february 2004 but I think Martin K. said "No!!! too expensive, I say 6 euro would be ok"
So there was no tour with Anathema.
Right now we are in phil`s studio to record the 6th autumnblaze album.

Maybe we`ll meet in Ireland. You or Duncan can write me an email, because I don`t have your emailadresses.
Morpheus said:
Pro Evolution Soccer 3!!! Hardly play anything else on PS2

Your words compliment mine. There is truely no better soccer game. Play metal gear solid 2 sons of liberty, great game and i think you must give kingdom hearts a try. Its a adventure game with alot of disney caracters.