what is it about maden that make them so kool???

I would say that it was definitely the double lead stuff that got me hooked on Maiden. The vocals are great, etc. But the guitar harmonies did it for me! And then I listened more and got hooked on the fact that 'Arry plays probably some of the most inovative bass (or at least did back in the day) ever.
yeah. i bet he is one of the most respected bassplayers these days. shit! there is always a chance to be as good as him cause he started playing bass when he was 17 :eek:!
I think it's a chemiccal thing, u know?
They all togheter make it the best way it could be!!!
U just hear the albums 7th Son of a 7th Son and Somewhere in time and u feel the power of this mighty band!!!!
The best band ever!!!!!!!!
it`s the sound and the melodies. some of it sound almost gothic to me, specially the first albums. take drifter for example, sounds oretty obscure and gothic (it`s intro... anyway...)
I think maiden is horribly over-rated. Yes they can play, technically they are some of the best musicians the world has known, but their songs are just so... horrible. Whats the use of being able to play well when what u play is just unbearably 'dry' and lackluster? And because of maiden (and metallica) the price of Rock am Ring tickets has been raised to about 110 euros :p. Maiden simply doesn't do it for me.

I think ''without beauty, without feelings'' is the description.

Now feel free to flame me, fanboys :D
I wouldnt really say they were the technically best, i'd probably say opeth were more technical with all the timing changes and whatnot, just like dream theater. I think the sound's just a combination us lot like, n some people dont. I think theyre a really well rounded band so no one sticks out, like maiden fans know who all the band are, whereas say a racer x fan might only know who paul gilbert is or opeth fans might only know mikael, but i mean its all down to personal opinion if u dont like em fine, u have ur reasons, and i respect that, none of the trendy group at college can understand why i despise nirvana cuz apparently kurt nobrain was the greatest songwriter ever, and he COULD actually play, he was just doing it with more soul than steve vai because he got it wrong. Personally i think nirvana gave grunge a bad name and destroyed US heavy music and to an extent british heavy music.
:wave: I'll be honest, they're my favorite band and I'm not sure why. It just does it for me. I can recognize, though, the talent it takes to be able to play the songs they play. On a side note, the highlight of reading this was "kurt nobrain". Whoever came up with that phrase is genius!