The Lady in the Water - Boring and irritating as hell - the movie only seems to start 15 minutes before the end and before you know it it's over. When you want something to happen people are talking and when something does happen you just want it to fucking stop.
Pirates of the Carribean - I know it's only a bit of fun, but history is sacred and the film's skewed idea of pirates would have ruined all the danger and mystery surrounding them had I watched the film as a child.
Anything Harry Potter - Mishmash of 19th century fantasy concepts combined with adolescents wet dream about academia? No thanks. Give me the Neverending Story anyday.
Lucky # Slevin - A neverending parade of annoying cliches and cringeworthy dialogue seemingly written by a 10-year old trying to rip off Pulp Fiction. All style, no substance.
Oceans 11/12/13: Again, overstylized crap. I might as well be watching an advertisement for Calvin Klein clothes or Rolex watches. Heist and The Killing were much better heist films.
Saw II: Pointless sequel.
Star Trek Nemesis - Should not have been made. Worst ST film ever.
Star Wars I/II/III