What is the worst theatrical release of the 21st century...

The Lady in the Water - Boring and irritating as hell - the movie only seems to start 15 minutes before the end and before you know it it's over. When you want something to happen people are talking and when something does happen you just want it to fucking stop.
Pirates of the Carribean - I know it's only a bit of fun, but history is sacred and the film's skewed idea of pirates would have ruined all the danger and mystery surrounding them had I watched the film as a child.
Anything Harry Potter - Mishmash of 19th century fantasy concepts combined with adolescents wet dream about academia? No thanks. Give me the Neverending Story anyday.
Lucky # Slevin - A neverending parade of annoying cliches and cringeworthy dialogue seemingly written by a 10-year old trying to rip off Pulp Fiction. All style, no substance.
Oceans 11/12/13: Again, overstylized crap. I might as well be watching an advertisement for Calvin Klein clothes or Rolex watches. Heist and The Killing were much better heist films.
Saw II: Pointless sequel.
Star Trek Nemesis - Should not have been made. Worst ST film ever.
Star Wars I/II/III
The Lady in the Water - Boring and irritating as hell - the movie only seems to start 15 minutes before the end and before you know it it's over. When you want something to happen people are talking and when something does happen you just want it to fucking stop.
Pirates of the Carribean - I know it's only a bit of fun, but history is sacred and the film's skewed idea of pirates would have ruined all the danger and mystery surrounding them had I watched the film as a child.
Anything Harry Potter - Mishmash of 19th century fantasy concepts combined with adolescents wet dream about academia? No thanks. Give me the Neverending Story anyday.
Lucky # Slevin - A neverending parade of annoying cliches and cringeworthy dialogue seemingly written by a 10-year old trying to rip off Pulp Fiction. All style, no substance.
Oceans 11/12/13: Again, overstylized crap. I might as well be watching an advertisement for Calvin Klein clothes or Rolex watches. Heist and The Killing were much better heist films.
Saw II: Pointless sequel.
Star Trek Nemesis - Should not have been made. Worst ST film ever.
Star Wars I/II/III

I agree with you on all of these but Harry Potter. There's some nice fantastic but derivative moments in those movies. And the visuals are always well-done.

The last Pirates of the Caribbean was absolutely awful.

I'd like to add any comic book based movie made over the last 10 years (although I did like Batman Begins). Anything by or produced by Tarantino after Reservoir Dogs. And all of these "horror" and "slasher" movies that come out everyweekend.

The 2nd and 3rd Lord of the Rings--although I think it was the source material that stunk, not as much the moviemaking.

And Crash--which won the Oscar mind you--was perhaps the most cliched, ridiculous piece of pretentious trash Ive seen. I was violently angry when I came out of the theatre, after I had gone in hearing it was a wonderful movie.
Star Trek Nemesis - Should not have been made. Worst ST film ever.

that honor belongs to insurrection and star trek: the motion picture.

anyway, everyone in this thread is wrong, not because their picks are wrong, but because the worst movie of the 21st century is going to be White Chicks VIII: White Chicks in the White House, released in 2023.
How can anything be worse than The Phantom Menace.

Sure, there are worse films (such as White Chicks etc) but those had zero expectations. Star Wars episode 1 was surely the MOST DISAPPOINTING film to be made in the 21st century.....

....oh wait, it came out in 1999. Scratch that. :loco:

Probably The Ring. Not because it was bad, but it was a useless remake that came out only 3 years after the original. And then to make matters worse, The Ring 2 was quite possibly one of the worst films ever made (of any genre).

Pretty much any remake is shit, especially when remaking Japanese stuff. Just leave it the fuck alone. Look at the Dark Water remake. Christ o mighty, why anyone would watch this before (or instead of) the masterful original is beyond me.
Yeah I was shocked at how bad Superman Returns was. This from the man who gave us Usual Suspects and X Men 2? Although I did chuckle at Kumar from White Castle kicking Superman when he was down.

my vote goes to star wars III; although the first two were worse this is the one that turned the best villain ever into a whimpering pussy


"you killed her in your anger"

I don't think I'll ever understand why this is rated so highly. Excruciatingly dull.

WTF :|

Lost in Translation is a masterpiece, wonderfully angst-ridden and full of stylized disillusion --- just like the modern world it so skillfully depicts ;P

But on topic, I actually think it's pretty hard to name one really bad movie from this century. Certainly not because the general quality has been high, but since I've carefully avoided all those flicks with the tell-tale signs of suckiness. But The Phantom Menace is a very good candidate. Not just because it was utterly horrible as a movie, but also because it tried so very very hard, cost such silly ammounts of money and had been so thoroughly hyped by fans and media alike.

I'm sure National Lampoon made movies much less enjoyable, but that's another league completely. The Phantom Menace is the Taj Mahal of 21st century suck, while movies like those of NL are just little shabby cottages, overshadowed, easily excused and overlooked when looking back upon the movie history of this young century.
my vote probably goes to the new Star Wars films also, just because they both awful, AND blatant cash grabs by our corpulent and flatulent friend, Georgie Lucastein.

until I can think of a worse movie, that is...

Sideways was pretty good, but still goddamn awful in it's own excruciating way.
Sideways was pretty good, but still goddamn awful in it's own excruciating way.

revisit Sideways after you went through a few relationships and it will seem like genius