Hi guys, this is my first post so please be gentle. 
I am a guitarist and have been recording demo stuff on my home PC for about ten years but never cared much for effects and the mixing process. But after hearing what some people can achieve I thought it could be nice to learn a little and maybe produce a recording that is possible to listen to without vomiting.
I bought the Steven Slate drum samples to get a good start on the drums and I use Revalver for the guitar and bass.
I have read some compressor tips and some tutorials on this forum and tried my best with my mix but since I'm not used to pulling the effect parameter knobs I can't really say what is wrong. Well, I can hear that the compressor is killing the music in the double kick parts but I fail to avoid it without loosing loudness on the rest of the song.
I made a group track for all the instruments and put a compressor there with 4:1 ratio, -10 dB threshold, 4.5 dB gain, 13 ms attack, 250 ms release.
If other obvious mistakes are detected I am listening to any tips that could make my music sound better.
Here is the sound clip:

I am a guitarist and have been recording demo stuff on my home PC for about ten years but never cared much for effects and the mixing process. But after hearing what some people can achieve I thought it could be nice to learn a little and maybe produce a recording that is possible to listen to without vomiting.
I bought the Steven Slate drum samples to get a good start on the drums and I use Revalver for the guitar and bass.
I have read some compressor tips and some tutorials on this forum and tried my best with my mix but since I'm not used to pulling the effect parameter knobs I can't really say what is wrong. Well, I can hear that the compressor is killing the music in the double kick parts but I fail to avoid it without loosing loudness on the rest of the song.
I made a group track for all the instruments and put a compressor there with 4:1 ratio, -10 dB threshold, 4.5 dB gain, 13 ms attack, 250 ms release.
If other obvious mistakes are detected I am listening to any tips that could make my music sound better.
Here is the sound clip: