What is your real name?

I figured i'd post my name since i don't visit here that often, it's Chris.
Tinus and Stefan might know my name from the Kataforum.

i do as well, of course im not there as much as i am here, i downloaded th black waltz cause the cover looked cool (and yo uhad blackwater park......so you must have good taste:p)

vives en suecia??... trae a opeth o bloodbath a portugal porfavor.. LOL

i speak perfect spanish and portuguese, and english i only speak shits LOL.. but i understand everything

nice avatar
I've met a lot of people from different countries here in spain, most of them learn basic spanish quite fast except for english people, even the germans learn faster! :lol: I think it's because they have never been forced to learn a foreign language since english is almost everywhere.
I'm pretty good with languages-I'm sure I could pick up spanish pretty quickly if I lived in spain or another spanish speaking country for a little while.

Yea you will, especially if you go to school or a college there. I speak 3 languages (Spanish, English and Persian) and I can easily pick up accents :p
I'm glad spanish is my first language because it's reaaaally difficult to learn compared to english, I can use it in almost every american country (even in some southern USA states :lol:), also, thanks to it, I'm able to understand portuguese and italian (no romanian though :goggly:), and is a smooth, pretty and vast language :)
I'm glad spanish is my first language because it's reaaaally difficult to learn compared to english, I can use it in almost every american country (even in some southern USA states :lol:), also, thanks to it, I'm able to understand portuguese and italian (no romanian though :goggly:), and is a smooth, pretty and vast language :)

Yea spanish is great :D My first language is (or at least was :p) Persian, but it's weakened over the years due to lack or practice :( and I can barely read or write it, so Spanish became my strongest language. However, English is now my strongest language because I only speak Spanish when I'm around my brothers :p